Privacy Policy

By visiting this website you agree to the following Privacy Policy. In order to provide the best user experience whilst finding your new timepiece; we collect data from visitors.

Our purpose with processing information is to provide a personalized expertise, and assist you in finding the most optimal timepiece for you. This includes providing offers/letters through email, and handling your order through our E-Commerce service. 



By using our contactforms you share necessary data in order for us to respond to your enquiry/message. This includes name, email, phone number and information concerning the individual errand. 

Email List 

By signing up to our email list the provided information is utilized in order to provide information regarding general updates, promotions and exclusive offers. Thus enhancing your user experience. 


In order to provide a better user experience, our website utilizes temporary cookies ensuring that the site operates smoother. Cookies are also used anonymously for web development, which is used to further optimize the website for visitor needs. 

How long do we store cookies?

Personal information is stored as long as it is relevant to it’s original purpose. 

A register of all information that we store regarding you can be requested. You can also request that incorrect information is corrected, and deleted. You can also revoke your consent of us processing your personal data at any time. 

If you have any questions, or which to make any request as listed above; contact us through email at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.